
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Chef!

Another weekend, another party, another birthday celebrant.

We had Papa's kare-kare.
Of course, the birthday celebration cannot go without the drinking session for the boys.
And no weekend with the kids rummaging the room of Ninong Olejoe and Ninong Orland.
Happy birthday Chef!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

3rd year of Winter

Winter is turning 3!

We had our reservation at Greenwich at SM Bicutan on a Sunday to have everybody in the family join us. Jenny is coding on a Monday and Orland's leaving for Singapore so we have to celebrate it early.
We had pizza and pasta. We just love Greenwich's lasagna.
We had Cars for the cake. We wanted Diego but Goldilocks and Red Ribbon was not carrying the theme for Diego so we had Cars instead. Winter loved it just the same.
After dinner, the kids just have to cap the night off with some rides from the lower level.
The kids, yes including Summer, just loves opening gifts. Winter's favorite was from Ninong Dojoe - a fire truck!
Now he keeps on saying, Mama buy battery! Happy birthday Winter!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Be well, birthday boy!

Summer was coughing one Thursday night with a slight fever. She wasn't able to go to school the following day. Come friday night, her fever hit 40.1 and no Tempra can make it go down, even when I wipe her joints with almost frozen face towel. Good thing her pedia texted back right away and instructed me to give her Dolan, which was magical!

Omar started feeling bad over the weekend. We had massage service for everybody on a Tuesday night.

Until Winter then started to cough too and got fever. I then brought the kids to the pedia. They were prescribed antibiotic, together with meds for cough and colds and nebulizer for Summer. Summer got well while Winter still got on and off fever. I then brought him back to the pedia a week after and he was prescribed a stronger antibiotic and had his x-ray and dengue test. I was told that if after the new antibiotic was given to Winter, he must not have fever or else he will then be admitted to the hospital.

And he still had fever. I texted the doctor and he texted back to admit Winter to the hospital. Knowing the long line for room admission, I called the hospital first to put his name on wait list while waiting for his test results the other night. Dengue test result was negative. X-ray result was cleared. The doctor recalled his orders and instructed us to bring him back instead to the clinic the following day for a follow-up check.

We went to the clinic today with a hyper boy. We went home and was instructed to just proceed with his medicines. And while I'm typing this down, he's starting to get warm again.

He's turning 3 on Monday. I hope he gets well by then. The environment nowadays are full of virus and bacteria, might be due to climate change as well. For my kids' sake and for my contribution to help save the environment, I will go look for eco friendly products for my gift for Winter so I can train my kids as well to love God's creation. But you have to get well first Winter.

Not sick, lots of gift, a happy birthday, a happy birthday celebrant, a happy mom! That's me!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Linggo ng Wika

The little boy, always following his Ate Summer around the house, got the virus too. He's been having on and off fever too with cough and colds too.

But we were able to bring him to school for their Linggo ng wika. No activities, just come to school in white shirt and bandana and bring Filipino food. He did not have any fever in the morning. He went to school too without diaper on.
I didn't know that he was starting to learn how to write his name. Good thing I brought him to school so I can practice him more at home.
But he got sick again after school =(. Have to bring him back to the doctor.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Just to be safe, I have to bring Summer to the ER of St. Luke's for her cbc test. She's been sick with cough and colds and had on and off fever.
Dengue is so rampant and I cannot just sit still and wait for symptoms to arise so I have to take her test even if I'm confident that she doesn't have it. Confidence, this time, is not enough.