Since Mom and Dad went home from Canada on August, orders were given left and right for the preparation of Jenny's upcoming surprised thanksgiving party for her graduation from her masters of law from the University of Toronto.
While on maternity leave, I started doing her invites. I surfed the net for a nice lay-out. It was a 3-page invitation. The front has a cut-out toga with a small real tassle, a scanned grad pic of Jenny embossed on top of the toga, and the name of the invited guest at the bottom. The second page was the details of the party printed in a diploma format, using parchment paper and tucked in a board paper. The last page was a reminder to the guests that it will be a surprise party, the sketch of the venue, and numbers to be called for the rsvp. And invites must be mailed 2months before the event.
After my birthday and Winter's baptism, I went back to work with lots of back log to catch up to. And at the same time, I have to start preparing for Jenny's AVP - which, I do not even know how to do. I started texting her friends requesting for their wishes or greetings for Jenny. I ransacked her room for photos to be scanned for the presentation. I even have to bring the photos to Kuya Dojoe's office to have them scanned since I do not know how to use a scanner. And have to do them twice since the first scanning had too low resolution. First week of November, it was my only time to take videos of the family's wishes for Jenny. I finished the avp the night before Mom and Dad's departure for Canada. How to transform them to dvd format? I slept at 3am, woke up at 6am, still I cannot figure it out. I was able to figure it out the last minute - as in when they were preparing to leave for the airport.
On the last week of October, I did her guest book too! I planned to do a digital scrapbook style but never got the time to do it. So I did the actual scrapbook. It was a few late nights too, with a toddler roaming around my materials and breastfeeding in between.
Tags were made simple for the souvenirs. I was able to do that in one day.
It's hard to have a stage mom, yet I am one! You'll really try to pull all your resources to make your child happy. Every child is worthy of their parent's love. Every parents must be proud of their children.