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Monday, December 17, 2007

Because I'm a Mom

Being a mom brought me so much joy, so I thank Summer and Omar for making me a mom.

Being a mom is life changing. I no longer yearn to go out at night and have gimmicks with friends. I feel guilty if by sunset I am not yet home to be with my daughter.

Being a mom made me appreciate my mom more. I became grateful. I realized it wasn't easy being a mom.

I feel for those who wanted to become a mom and yet cannot bear a child. I feel for those who wanted to be a mom, bore a child, and lost. Though, I haven't been to that situation, and I pray not to be in it. Just the thought of it hurts me.

I saw a site of a mom, who once lost a child in her womb, dedicated a product to all the moms who have lost. Her way of mourning turned to helping other moms recover from their pain turned into a successful business. She is selling a miscarriage keepsake jewelry. It helped her ease her pain. The miscarriage keepsake jewelry served as a memento that her baby is just at her chest, close to her heart.

I feel because I'm a mom too.

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